TTY Drain Services


Commercial. Residential. Proudly Edmontonian.

We offer any and all drain services for buildings of all sizes and clases. Do you need a drain steamed to allow for like new flow? Perhaps Inspection to figure out where there are issues in your drainage system - collapses, blocks, et al.

We work with contractors and home builders for secondary utility location, Provide Hotsy Pressure Washing services (for your drains AND MORE), and have camera services for recording and inspection purposes.

Video Inspection

Finding collapsed lines, blockages, and internal issues, so you know all that's going on.


Drain Cleaning

Your drains deserve to be working their best, with our cleaning and steaming services, you can be assured clogged drains are a thing of the past.


Secondary Utility Locating

By energizing drain lines, we will find potential headaches and eliminate them.


Commercial Drain Steaming

Your drains deserve to be working their best, with our cleaning and steaming services, you can be assured clogged drains are a thing of the past.


Hotsy Pressure Washing

Finding collapsed lines, blockages, and internal issues, so you know all that's going on.


Preventative Maintenance

Do you need...

Stack flushing?

Cameraing to diagnose a reoccuring or ongoing issue?

Cleansing to solve pesky backups?
